Did You Know?


The majority of all downloadable games, music, screensavers, etc., can infect your computer with SpyWare or AdWare.

Hardware/Software Upgrades

Incremental upgrades increases your employee productivity and helps eliminate possible failure points.

ProTek Solutions designed an affordable, scalable, and secure network for our small business and we couldn't be happier with the results. Improved IT functionality equates to greater production.

-Joseph Gallopenia
 CEO, ISN Tech

Network Security - How secure is your network? MIS Personnel & Network Administrators are confronted with this question everyday. From Enterprise Networks to home LAN/WAN environments, keeping your network secure is our top priority. Let ProTek Solutions develop a security strategy for you and/or your business.

Law Enforcement

ProTek Solutions specializes in Municipal Law Enforcement IT.

Data Management - Taking chances is commonplace in today's business environment, but you never want to take chances with your data. ProTek Solutions can:

Develope SAN Solutions

Data Backup Strategy

Network Attached Storage